Saturday, June 6, 2009


I have noticed that I become obsessed, or perhaps more accurately “possessed,” when embarking on new endeavors that I initially find inspirational. There’s no middle ground. It’s all balls to the wall until I reach a breaking point. That breaking point could be physical exhaustion, mental exhaustion, or simply frustration to the point of tears that I haven’t reached my goal in some break-neck inconceivably fast period of time.

Then I quit or give up or set aside the project with the intention of attending to it at some other time in the future.

And there it sits, like a vulture on a dead tree limb, staring me down, weighing me down, slowing me down, keeping me in a paralytic state of incompletion—always feeling like there’s never enough time to do everything that I “should” be doing so I don’t do anything at all.

So what am I doing to fix the problem? I’m adding yet another task to my to-do list: keep a blog about my most current obsession (or obsessions).

The thought process is that it will be therapeutic. By writing about my status regarding the current topic of attention I will hopefully be forced to take a less manic pace and keep a more objective perspective. In short, become more balanced and realize more completion.

We shall see. :P

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